ECO-SCORE® by Beelong
Our mission
Our mission is to promote transparency within the food market and convey the impact of food on the planet, in order to support restaurant owners, consumers and the food industry and forge towards the most sustainable food.
In 2050 there will be nearly 10 billion mouths to feed on the planet. Food is already responsible for a third of environmental damage and the way we pollute and deplete the earth's resources cannot last. Whether it is during the production of food, its transport, its conservation or its transformation, the ecological impact of food is even greater than the one of transport. We must therefore act and consume more sustainably.
But to consume more sustainably, you still need access to product information. And deal with the great lack of transparency in the food market. This is why Beelong evaluates all food products in a simple way and on the same scale from A to E, by bringing together the information available both in the field and from the scientific community.
How does the eco-score work?
All food products are evaluated on the basis of the same criteria and on the same scale from A to E. Each of the ingredients making up the product is first evaluated, and is then weighted according to its weight (kcal) in the finished product. Additional criteria are then used to evaluate the finished product.
Each criterion has its own importance
Do you have any questions?
A constantly evolving methodology
The Beelong Eco-Score methodology and the above criteria have gone through several scientific revisions. However, it is constantly evolving, according to the evolution of scientific knowledge and the evolution of accessing data from the field.
The Beelong eco-score does not intend to replace a complete life cycle analysis (LCA). It promotes transparency within the food market and simply communicates the environmental impact of food in order to support restaurants, the food industry, and the population to reduce it. All this through pragmatism, using current scientific data and information which is available on the market.